I chose to work from home and build my network marketing business full-time, or what passes for full-time in my world. I want to reveal to you why network marketing is better than a job. This, unfortunately, is even more so at this time with the cost of living wrecking people's lifestyles, Financially, and healthwise.
Are you in a miserable job?
At age 56, my job became miserable. Where once I had managerial freedom to work the business successfully, to one where I didn't. I was a manager, and towards the end, my bosses sentenced me to maintain a no-thinking-robot-like way of working that someone else had designed because they thought it would work better. I would also be the eventual scapegoat if I failed to make it work.

I needed a way out. I was done. I just needed my miserable job to tide me over until I was able to put my business in place. That business was in network marketing and MLM. When I left in 2018 I was 58. Now 63 it's a time to be thinking of winding down, not taking a totally different career path.
It can be a "bolt-on", "lifeline" or "stopgap" for anyone who is currently struggling financially, stuck in between the challenges of price rises and your income buying less, caused by the spiralling cost of goods - to pay for wage increases - due to strikes - for more money to pay for the increase in prices for goods. Or you just want a better “work-life" balance.
Why Network Marketing Can Be Better Than a Job. But, Is Still Work
Network marketing isn’t better for everybody, but it was for me. And if you are anything like me, it may be better for you too. Network marketing allows me to work on my terms, at my own pace, and with flexible hours. I'm able to build a business from home, with no overhead costs, and no employees. I'm able to make residual income, which is a big plus. This is especially attractive to me because it allows me to have a passive income that continues to grow even when I'm not actively working.
And with the Multi-Level Marketing side, I'm also able to leverage my time by building a team of people who are working to build the same business as I am. Through this process, I am able to increase my income greatly,
You will find that the majority of direct-selling companies have MLM alongside Network marketing and the lines get blurred a bit.
To Understand this;
Network marketing is where you sell directly to customers, the business's products or services that they offer. For instance, If your business was Avon, you would be selling their products directly to the customer base that you have built.
Multi-level marketing is where you build your own team of sellers and are compensated by the business for doing this. NOT BY THE SELLERS. If you have to pay your upline money. RUN!!!
This is something that I wouldn't be able to do with a job, and it's one of the reasons I chose to pursue network marketing and MLM as a full-time career. First, let’s compare the two and see why network marketing is better than a job.
Network Marketing Versus a Job
Network Marketing Job
You are the boss Someone else is the boss
You control your time They control your time
You decide what needs to be done They decide what needs to be done
You decide how it is done They decide how it is done
Need time off? Take it Need time off? Beg!
Want more money? Earn more. Want more money? Beg!
Get the idea. You are an employee of the person or organisation that controls your earnings. When you have a job, that person is your employer. They control your time and how you do your job.
When you have your own business, you control your earnings and get to make all the decisions.
Network Marketing Versus Traditional Business
You could argue that any business that you own has the same benefits as a job, and in some regards you are right. In other ways, network marketing is better than a traditional business too.

Network Marketing Traditional Business
Someone else’s product You create the product
They handle accounts You handle payments
They handle inventory You handle inventory
Minimal startup cost Can have a high startup cost
Minimal overhead cost Can have a high overhead cost
Very flexible hours Can have long, fixed hours if you have a store
Can work from anywhere Stuck in one place with that storefront.
With network marketing, you can work anywhere you want. I choose to work from home. I can work just as easily from a coffee shop or a beach as long as I have a connection to the Internet.
The network marketing company, if you decide to take the plunge, that you decide to go with takes care of a lot of the concerns that would be yours in a traditional business. All you are really responsible for is generating orders and providing the first line of customer support. Most network marketing companies also back you up on customer support.
Network marketing companies can give you access to more products to sell. Some of your customers will buy a single item while others buy several.
Another benefit to network marketing/MLM is that I can build a team with my network marketing business. I don’t go out of my way to try to recruit anyone. When someone comes along who wants to do this the same way that I do, then I am more than happy to help them get started. I can earn a percentage from several levels of sellers under me, paid by the network marketing business I’m with. Plus, anyone in my team can earn more than me. Unlike a traditional business.
Network Marketing Isn’t for Everyone
I am not telling you to quit your job and go do network marketing. Start it as a side business if you are employed. If you are motivated enough to maintain your business and work at it, you will see results.
It takes time to build a network marketing business and I want you to know that. It is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Some people join a business, do very little and wonder why they haven't made any money. As Homer Simpson would say "Doh". You need to be consistent and persistent in order to get the best results. There will be many ups and downs, and you will need to adjust accordingly. That is why I've decided to create this article - to help you navigate the world of network marketing and achieve success in the long run.
Choose a business that sells what people want. The business should have a range of products, so as not to limit your business. Simply selling something obscure, thinking you’ve cornered the market won’t go well for your business.
DO YOUR RESEARCH. DO YOUR RESEARCH. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Some network marketing businesses can & do Support you with all you need, along with major business tools that some businesses would love to have. And unfortunately, some can’t & won’t.
It is fine for me to witter on about why network marketing is better than this or that. But I like and can handle being my own boss. I can get up every morning, take my list of what needs to get done for the day and get to work. If you can do that too, then network marketing may be a good choice for you too.
Not everyone can do that. Not everyone even wants to. And that’s great. All of those traditional businesses need people to run them. Grocery shopping would be difficult without people to keep the store running.
To be successful in network marketing, it's important to be self-motivated and able to make decisions on your own. While there is support and help available, ultimately it's up to you to stay focused and handle any distractions that come up. I hope this information has been helpful in your understanding of network marketing. Let me know if you need any further assistance. Email me at adrian@ukhomebiz.com or visit www.ukhomebiz.com
Adrian Jones Network Marketing